Harel Max, a culinary visionary, embarked on an extraordinary journey in search of the perfect pizza – heart-to-heart conversations into the night with dough guru Anomarel Ogen from Abu Ghosh, bold experiments in the field of toppings and a tomato sauce that will bring tears to your eyes. You can taste the results here with us, straight from the oven or through one of our boys-in-blue delivery team.
Also, after a few months of carbs and a warm hearting feedback from the tasters, we decided to expand the menu and open the Mazkeka also in a cafe format. Every day starting at 10:00 a.m. handmade coffee by Sybaris awaits you here; Fresh salads; a delicious Khachapuri and of course pastries in many variations that are baked in our ovens only.
When darkness falls outside and the soundtrack switches to the nightly format, we transform into a bar & live venue