Jason Rosenblatt
Ground-breaking harmonica player, pianist and composer Jason Rosenblatt has been delivering compelling, not-so-traditional Eastern European music to the masses since 2002. His latest writing project, Mi Yodeah, is an ornate and enchanting collection of original music that blends elements of both the Ashkenazi music of his own cultural heritage along with elements of Mizrahi music and jazz. Influenced by his travels throughout the country, this multi-movement tone poem is inspired by among other things the sounds of liturgical music emanating from the “Batei Knesset” on Friday night, the street musicians of “Shuk” and the nostaligic music of “reshet gimmel” on Friday afternoons. Accompanied, by some of the finest musicians on Israel’s jazz and new Jewish music scene, including his long-time collaborator and wife trombonist Rachel Lemisch, the project paints a luscious soundscape of Israel through the eyes and ears of new olim.